Arlene Stokes UMW Circle

Arlene Stokes is a circle in the Bethlehem UMW Unit. It was formed in 1961; named in honor of Arlene Stokes, wife of Rev. Charles Stokes, who pastored Bethlehem in 1944-1945, later returning to Korea to assume their missionary work. This group of ladies continues Arlene Stokes’ missionary vision by participating in UMCOR projects such as Health and School Kits, Room at the Inn, School Back Pak Pals, Project AGAPE Christmas Shoeboxes, UMW Reading Program, and correspondence with a list of retired missionaries. They support UMW Mission Giving through

  • Individual Pledges to Mission
  • Gift to Mission & Gift in Memory donations
  • World Thank Offering collections
  • Special Mission Recognition donations honoring specific individuals


Monthly programs focus on current general issues, spiritual growth & geographic emphasis as outlined by the United Methodist Women National Office, personal mission trip speakers, a summer cookout, Chrismon tree decorating at Advent. Participation in District and Conference events offer opportunities for fellowship, education and spiritual growth. Our mission efforts begin at our church doors and reach around the world.


Meetings: 4th Monday, 7:00PM, Young-at-Heart Classroom *               (* subject to change Newsletter Calendar)

 Revised 4/24/19